Our client, a group of innovative entrepreneurs, wanted to create a new way of group funding by developing a bidding app. They saw the need for a platform that could connect people who want to raise funds for a common cause. For this, the client asked us to develop an app that allows users to create pools, add members, and set multiple pool intervals. During each interval, members can join in real-time bidding. At the end of the process, the app will announce the winner of the pool.
> A real-time bidding application for managing group funding Where members can participate in bidding and create pools or bidding events.
> Admin will set the bidding rules and have the opportunity to announce the winner.
> In this application, real-time push notifications for each bid are challenging work for us. In a single session, lots of users do the bidding on a particular pool.
> Multi-level user creation is also challenging work for us; here, users can create another user. So managing the parent user and normal users is a challenging task for our team.
> New members can create accounts with unique credentials, facilitating seamless login without formal registration if no duplicate credentials are found.
> Push notifications for bidding are sent to pool members after sorting and filtering their device IDs to target the relevant bidders.
> Only the pool creator can update the pool, ensuring that the start date is set for the future and automatically adjusting all associated interval dates.
> Users can register using a unique username and password, later updating and verifying their email and mobile information to enable login using the email.